The attacks on Kyron's supporters started pretty much immediately. Especially after Terri posted about being attacked in the blogs. That is when everything changed. To the people who support Terri, her silence, her rights, along with Dede's, it all became a sick and twisted game. All for their entertainment.
One person who felt she was doing right by Terri, who didn't even live in the Northwest, started Terri Horman Support Group. She believed in a person's rights. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. What she didn't realize at the time was just how crazy, crazy would become.
Neither did any of us..........
Sandi Lessman and Eric Linden Jr. became her other admins on the page, along with a few others. One individual even went so far as to visit Terri regularly, bringing gifts and things. This individual also met with Dede at restaurants on several occasions. They spoke behind the iron curtain to each other, patting each other on the back.
Marybeth started realizing that these people didn't care about Terri, that this was a game to them. Kyron certainly wasn't their focus. Just the 15 minutes of fame it would bring them. She decided enough was enough and brought the truth to life. The real truth about just who we were dealing with, the people that were attacking us, posting minor children's pictures, threatening us, and even calling people's employers. Even Carol Moulton was sick of their shenanigans.
I could write VOLUMES of things about Eric Linden Jr. but that ship has sailed for all of you who have been supporting Kyron and his family this whole time. You know the story. His hundreds of fake profiles and the games he played, is still playing to this day. This blog post isn't about any of them.
This is about Sandi Lessman and her blatant attacks, lies, and deflections in the case of a missing child. Her full on insertion into Terri and Dede's lives after, and why this is so not okay.
First of all, I want you to know that I believe whole heartedly that Terri and Sandi knew each other way before Kyron went missing. She has been in constant contact with Terri and Dede this entire time. She posts things all the time that shows she has inside info into Terri specifically. She gives herself away constantly. An example is the resent name change shenanigans by Terri and the failed stalking order against Stacey Green, with claims that Stacey was going to kill Terri.
These were posted before hearings took place. She has been spewing these things on pintrest and OLive. "Documentation!!". Clearly she is giving Terri legal advice. Advice I am sure Terri's attorney shudders at, because it is making Terri look like a fool and making her look even MORE guilty.
See hears the thing. As we believe and have for almost 5 years, Terri is responsible for ALL of this, Stacey Green and I have NEVER threatened Terri Horman's life!! We wouldn't touch one red hair on her head!! Why?? Because ALL we have EVER wanted is to make sure Kyron is found, and Justice is served!!! PERIOD!! And guess what? A Judge in Eugene Oregon agrees!! DENIED!!
The head of the Cult of Personalities, well she is who constantly stalks all of us. In turn the freaks that follow her lead have made direct threats to us. In a previous blog post here, I asked you "What are these people actually capable of?" A tree dedicated to Kyron planted over 4 years ago was sprayed with a chemical and killed, while I was on a very
publicized search for Kyron in June 2014!!
Here is a doozy right here.
These were posted before hearings took place. She has been spewing these things on pintrest and OLive. "Documentation!!". Clearly she is giving Terri legal advice. Advice I am sure Terri's attorney shudders at, because it is making Terri look like a fool and making her look even MORE guilty.
See hears the thing. As we believe and have for almost 5 years, Terri is responsible for ALL of this, Stacey Green and I have NEVER threatened Terri Horman's life!! We wouldn't touch one red hair on her head!! Why?? Because ALL we have EVER wanted is to make sure Kyron is found, and Justice is served!!! PERIOD!! And guess what? A Judge in Eugene Oregon agrees!! DENIED!!
The head of the Cult of Personalities, well she is who constantly stalks all of us. In turn the freaks that follow her lead have made direct threats to us. In a previous blog post here, I asked you "What are these people actually capable of?" A tree dedicated to Kyron planted over 4 years ago was sprayed with a chemical and killed, while I was on a very
publicized search for Kyron in June 2014!!
Here is a doozy right here.
Sandi Lessman is the biggest liar of them all. For almost 5 years she has posted so many lies and deflections about Kyron's case, there isn't enough room on this blog to post every single screen shot of her BS. But I want you to see somethings that delve into who this person is and why you need to see her for who she REALLY is.
Back in 1997, she was convicted of Animal Abuse.
Then in April of 2010, this little ditty. (2 months before Kyron went missing) Now one could argue that this isn't Sandi Lessman who supports Terri, oh and she tried to deny it when we all discovered this news story, but as usual, she gave herself away by posting on KATU.
So criminally, this really isn't her first rodeo in anyway. MB described her shenanigan's to a tee back in 2011.
To this very day, Sandi Lessman is still playing games, lying, and blatantly harassing the people who are doing everything they can to help find Kyron Horman!! These are some of her newest tactics. Messaging people on facebook. Really??
Pot, meet Kettle. This poor woman was asking where she could get flyers to put up in Klamath Falls Oregon. Where Dede Spicer works and lives........ Sandi thinks this is a bad thing apparently. Finding Kyron is soooooo not her priority!!
And this was Sandi's response:
Nameste......... These were messages sent prior to the failed stalking and harassment hearing by Terri Horman. Dede will get the same response from a Judge I assure you.
This was sent to another Kyron Supporter. She obviously has way to much time on her hands.....
She has been doing this for a VERY long, long time!! Stalking, harassing and threatening people!!
Now, she shows that she is in constant contact with Terri and Dede. I am sure with Terri by phone almost daily. Under the Iron Curtain for sure. Most likely Terri is posting with a fake name. But with Dede, they have been doing it out in the open for years.
This being the most recent...... Just shows how the above stalking and harassment of Kyron's supporters is beyond okay to these two lovely's.
This being the most recent...... Just shows how the above stalking and harassment of Kyron's supporters is beyond okay to these two lovely's.
Misinformation trash.
Terri needs to stop listening to this person. Well, maybe not!! She is certainly making Terri look like a complete idiot. Lying under oath, well, yeah, so not the best idea in the world.
Sandi also seems the think getting DUII's are perfectly okay. Apparently putting a child's welfare in jeopardy it perfectly okay as well.........
I mean if it is okay for Terri, It is also okay for Sandi's own son right????
Why is it that this woman can just continue to do what she is doing for Terri and Dede? Because LE is watching, and they have been THIS WHOLE TIME!!! Every screen shot ever taken has been given to detectives. Not just by me, but by many, many, many people who have been working so hard to find this child. She is still smack talking on pintrest and OLive. Still spewing her hate at Desiree and Kaine. Still putting total mis-information and lies out into the world to deflect the real truth behind what happened on June 4, 2010.
Sandi Lessman, where were you on June 4, 2010? Where were you at after Kyron disappeared? Kyron's supporters, Kyron's parents, Kyron's entire family would like to know. Some of them already do know where you were.
Why would a woman, who lives off our tax dollars, who sits on her computer, day in and day out, be so invested in Terri Horman and Dede Spicher?
Her admitting to us floating her "ill's"
It disgusts me to my core that after all this time, we are still having to deal with this seriously mentally deranged criminal. But, if you look at all of the people who stand behind this woman, do her biding under her direction, they all have things in common. None of which are good things at all.
A little boy is missing. He has been missing for almost 5 years.
No amount of hate, threats, calling employers, trespassing on people's property, vandalizing people's property, has ever stopped any of us from our goal here.
Finding Kyron, getting his Justice, and Supporting his family!!
Because Kyron MATTERS!!! His life MATTERS!! His RIGHTS MATTER!!!
When the cuffs finally get put on these people, what will they say then.......................