Thursday, May 14, 2015

Lets talk about Blink baby. Lets talk about Miss Dede!!

Shannon Stoy, Christina Stoy, S. Christina Stoy…….

Something is amiss when a person has to continually change her name over and over, due to the blatant LIES she spews, and total misinformation she throws out into the world through her "for profit" crime blog. Just google this little missy's name, and you will see the MANY, MANY posts, blogs, ect. about how this lady has slandered and corrupted case after case after case. Exploiting the victims time and time again. 

She has been doing this for a long time. She likes to threaten people. She did so to this blogger back in 2009:

Follow the link above and you can read the email she sent this poor person. 

Blink has some serious issues. Those issues are lying, bullying, and blatant misinformation in every case she blogs about.

I think this person hit the nail right on the damn head!! Blink is a "Tragedy Vampire"!!

What she has put this guy through is unreal!! Here is a link to his blog:

Still, to this very day, she has NOT removed the content. 

Read here on Wikipedia. Lordy!!

Yep, you read that right!! She tried to sue Jose Baez...... Bahahahahaha!!

Very recently, she went after one of Kyron Horman's biggest supporters, Stacey Green, who had posted a screenshot off of Blinks blog because the post was about HER!! 
Here is the threatening message she sent Stacey:

Here are a few more people who really dislike Blink and her shenanigans!!

Sooooo. As you can see, her reputation proceeds this little liar!! If I lied this much, claiming I have a edumacation in criminology, (lie), I would change my name too. 
Lets talk about Blink and her love of all things Dede Spicher:

Back in September of 2013 Blink did an interview with Spicey Cakes. 
All manner of lying shenanigans ensued in this interview.  Blink went way off the rails on a rant about Kaine, steroids, and the Canby Police Dept. Before I get into this, I want to ask ya all, who was juicing?

Yep!! I too just threw up a little bit in my mouth. 
Anyways, Blink proceeded to put out into the world that Kaine was a juicer and that the Canby PD was corrupt and was involved with Kaine and Steroids............. If you believe any of that, I have a big orange bridge in San Francisco I would like to sell ya!! CHEAP!!

All of Terri's Cult of Personalities hangout daily with Blink. They blame the school, MCSO, FBI, MCDA, Law Enforcement in the ENTIRE State of Oregon, Kyron's family, Kyron's supporters, Bigfoot, Aliens, oh and a "Mystery Man" whom they can't even come up with a description of let alone a sketch of said dude...

They are constantly attacking Skyline Elementary. Ad Nauseam!! "Ask Skyline where is Kyron?"
THEY DID, SEVERAL TIMES!!! Here it is straight from Skyline itself!! Just follow the link and you can read what Skyline had to say on the subject!!

These freaks, along with Blink, constantly BASH Kyron's parents. Its truly disturbing behavior. None of them want Kyron found EVER! Why, because the handcuffs will also fit them just as well as they will fit Terri and Dede. 
In the RIDICULOUS interview with Dede, Spicey Cakes  flat out said she was interrogated by the Grand Jury for 5 hours. Okay, cool with that. She said she received an immunity deal....... SHE SAID the the MCDA was coming out PUBLICLY to clear her "GOOD" name......... That was September  2013......YEP!! Still hasn't happened......... And it NEVER will. 

Ya see folks, INNOCENT people in oregon do not get immunity deals. It doesn't happen!! Immunity is for people who testify WITH knowledge of a crime, or were INVOLVED in said crime(s). 
Here is the law. Which of course none of them have read:

Its all in black and white folks. You can google it all yourselves. 

I still say the best name for all of Terri and Dede's supporters is...........

TRAGEDY VAMPIRES!!! One and all!!!


It's coming, and all of them WILL be held accountable, I assure you!!


  1. I am thrilled to see this. Thank you. I am embarrassed to say that I was fooled at first by that blogger. I even posted on her site a few times, but was "shouted down." I have file after file of rebuttal, research I did, to the ridiculous claims she and her posters have made. I finally stopped reading a few years ago when I realized it didn't matter how logical I was, it was not worth it to try to argue with them. Idiots.

    1. That has been MANY peoples experience with her. No need to be embarrassed at all. You saw through her shenanigans!!
